*She slithers under the stall door at a bar to hold your hair.
*She comes over in the middle of the night after she had the stomach flu all day to kill cockroaches with you.
*She comes up with silly, amazing ideas, like sing along Sundays, and makes them something to look forward to
*She lets you spend the night, so you have someone to wake up to.
*She nicely tells you the way to cure a learned lisp, even though she doesn't really like what you said to your kid.
*She is invited to hang at your house while your out and she vacuums the whole thing.
*He/she calls when you least expect it and most need it.
*She lets me be mad at her and confront her, because that's my nature, even though it's not hers.
*There is an open door policy at her house.
*She misses me, even if we only talked 24 hours ago.
*All of you genuinely love my kids. I see it and I love you that much more for it.
*No matter what other person she is with, when the Umbrella song comes on, I am the one she dances with.
*Likewise with the Buttons song.
*She lets me dirty dance with her girlfriend.
*She watches all three of my midgets on 3 hours of sleep.
*She see through my sarcastic texts
*She lets me drunk dial her and I am the first one she drunk dials
There is so much more...I will add more when it comes to me... Love you all!!!
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