It's a soapbox kind of day. Sorry.
Yesterday I was listening to the radio and the DJ's were talking about Tiger Wood's recent indiscretions. The woman DJ called his lovers sluts.
Two things:
Number 1: Tiger's private life is just that. He can do what he wishes, when he wishes. It is not up to the people to judge him, to say that he must be held to a higher standard because he is in the public spotlight. Dear people, you put him there. These are your morals that you are imposing on him, obviously not his. If he is not being an appropriate roll model to the children, too bad for you. He is a golfer. Why don't you try turning off your television and becoming an appropriate roll model for YOUR own children? I know, it's hard and you are not even in the public's eye, but I think you can do it.
Number 2: Why is it that the women who slept with Tiger are the sluts? They had CONSENSUAL sex. What makes only a woman a slut? Why can men have all the sex, without a label, that they want and even be exalted for it?
Argument 1: the Bible. Only Jesus was immaculately conceived, people. That makes Mary the only non-sex haver in the bible, until she birthed Joseph's non-Messiah kids. And lets get this straight, your Bible is full of incest, legal rape, legal murder and bastards. Abraham and Sarah were half siblings, sharing a father. Furthermore, up until recently, only the very rich could marry. That would have excluded most of us and all of the humbled Bible figureheads, including Mary and Joseph.
Argument 2: the very definition of slut. A slovenly and promiscuous woman. So she is dirty and likes to have sex. Hmmmm.... I am pretty sure that the women Tiger had sex with were not slovenly. (Having had sex with a pro-golfer for many months, I am somewhat of an expert on what they look for.) I am also sure that having sex does not make someone bad. Even having oodles of it. We've already surmised that not everyone is married, now lets look at why you are having sex, married or not and regardless of gender and sexual identity. It feels fucking good! That's why. Obviously, I am not having sex to make babies and neither are most of you. So there is no other reason when we boil it down. (Sorry if you are one of the people who aren't finding pleasure in consensual sex.)
There is no reason to label anyone who has sex. Not even with a famous person. There are many men, even famous one who have sex with people other than their wives, Republican senators with men, Presidents with interns, rock stars with fans, sports legends who spread AIDS, etc. and who takes the bad rap? The one with the vagina is always to blame. (Except in the case of the gay seducer.) The words of the local poet Selah may sum this up, "see, you may find a woman tempting, but that does not make her a temptress". Let's all change the way we think.
1 comment:
Finally! Thank you!
What bothers me the most is that most people who critize him are religious and this is what I don't understand about them: How come God forgives you everything, Jesus dies for you, and you believe it's your job to judge and to condemn?! Really sad.
But I'm glad someone sees it that way too =)
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