I went to family function last weekend. Anyone who knows me, knows how much I dread seeing my mom’s family. My cousins seem to be better to me lately, but my mom’s brother and one sister can still suck my cock!
The last family thing I went to was a little over a year ago. It was my uncles funeral. I loved my uncle, he was a really neat person. I stayed inside at the lunch after the funeral. It’s Arizona in June, it was hot, I was wearing black. Anyway, I was really quiet.
The next day, I received a call from my Aunt B. I was at a E’s house when the call came in. Aunt B was yelling at me, telling me if I had something to say to her, that I should just say them to her face and not disrespect her in her home. Needless to say, I have no idea what she was talking about.
I avoided all contact with them until Aunt B’s surprise birthday party, last weekend. The kids were allowed to visit with them on New Years.
I was really nervous about going. My sister K drove while I knitted to stay calm. We arrived at the resort early, so we could spend the day by the pool. When we got in the lobby, my dad called us into the dining room. There were about twenty family members and friends in the room at two tables, 95% male-identified.
I made my rounds and said hello to everyone I knew. When I got to my Uncle G, we said a stiff hello. G is a bigot, a racist, a homophobe and a Mormon. (I do have some very open minded Mormon friends. I am not a Mormon hater.) The following conversation took place in front of about 15 men. Most I didn’t know.
UG: “Hi J-. How are you?”
Me: “Fine. You?”
UG: “Your boobs are getting smaller.”
Me: “What?”
UG “Are you boobs getting smaller? It sure looks like it.”
Me “Why are you looking at my chest?”
UG “Cuz I can. And later we need to talk about your lesbian problem.”
Me: “No we don’t. It’s none of your business.”
UG: “Yes it is and yes we will.”
I walked away angry and embarrassed. It occurred to me while I was standing there that he has many preconceived notions about lesbians. Like all lesbian bind their breasts. I don’t. I am and have always been blessedly small chested.
The man did not speak to me the rest of the weekend. When I told my dad, his excuse was that my mom’s brother was drunk. When I told my mom, she said, Honey, that’s just your uncle. So I guess it’s okay then, right? No.
Why am I the only person who thinks this was wrong? Not only was my mother’s brother looking at my chest and commenting on it, with assertive authority that he had ever right to do that, but the fucker outted me in to everyone at that table.
Am I just taking this too personally? Or do I have the right to be angry?
No, you have every right to be pissed about it. Seriously, that was/is wrong. What a load of crap.
I am so sorry. I don't know what else to say but that. What a prick, can I say that here? You handled yourself well, I would have been likely to throw a punch or at least a kick to the groin, see if they get any smaller...
I'm sorry you have to face this kind of shit.
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