Sunday, October 14, 2007


Being married doesn't make that big of a difference. It's funny when I finally let it go and let things happen, they happen. Just like that. I am the luckiest girl in the world. At least today. I must try to remember this feeling of complete contentment. It could be because whatever I smoked with my sister K yesterday was hella good and is residual. Or it might be cuz I kissed a hottie last night and I am still riding that. Holding onto post make-out texts. Hoping to do it again later today. HE is happy. He has a gf. It's a little strange, but cool. The kids like her. She has been a family friend since before we were a family. She was at our wedding. He was fucking her before me. I could definitely see her as the kids step mom. Hmmmmm.... Back to the hottie...

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