Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Why is it that I can't even buy a computer? I don't even want to look at them, but I know I want one. I have the money. I put off the tooth thing until it was a root canal. The divorce til HE was happy and it would be less bitter. I talked to SS last night about starting a new relationship. I said I didn't want one. But sometimes I do. How far could it go? Which phase of life would I find myself in when it ends in heartbreak and tears? Why do I have to think like that? Is it possible for one love to last forever? To look back and think gee, I've been happy, lucky and in love since I met you a lifetime ago. What an amazing possibility. Is favoring sexual chemistry for what is definitely a safe, boring bet, the right thing to do? Is is okay for me to remain singlish for a while? And E, how does the dating more than one person thing go? How do you keep up? So I am putting off answering these questions. What a surprise right? I think I am getting sick and I am super tired. A little frustrated too.

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