Saturday, March 29, 2008

Captured and Logged

Sitting at T's dorm on base and looking up some research for my gender projects paper. I am using free wireless connection from the bar that's on base. I just looked up Sugarbutch Chronicles, hit enter and WARNING!!!! DANGER WILL ROBINSON!!!!! The 56th Squadron does not authorized this type of website. My "session information has been captured and logged". Dear goddess!!!!!! Whatever shall I do? Cuba just allowed it's citizen's to have cell phones, but they are communist, so all is explained, but we are in the US. Where are the rights? Fuck this place. Fuck a government who can claim freedom and yet still oppress it's people. Fuck the 56th and all it's tyranny!!!

1 comment:

leaner said...

This isn't just that base. My dh had the same problems when he was working at Papago, as well as at the school he just finished. How DARE you try to look at something that isn't SANCTIONED by the US Military? Huh? Come on... YOU know better.

Oh yeah your other post about Transgender is awesome! When you are done with it, can I read your paper? If I ask really nicely? Like pretty please with a cherry on top?

I consider myself open minded, but since I haven't been next to a lot of FTMs or MTFs I don't know how I would honestly react. I worry that my uber Christian upbringing might rear its oh so ugly head at the sight. I would be miserable, it has happened once or twice that my Molly Mormon self has surfaced for a moment or something and I have had to smack the bitch back down into the dark recesses of my psyche.

OK, this comment has taken on a mind of its own. But I really just wanted to say- Love you blog, and would love to hang out with you again!