Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Categorically Speaking

I have to say musicians and poets are hot. Specifically folk, indie rockers and slam poets!! More specifically chics who like chics. There is something about a woman on stage. Some people get turned on by a uniform, but not me. I like a girl who has amazing words in her head and shares them with me. I like a girl who sweats doing what she loves, I like a girl who lives her dreams and her poetry. Real woman with their own fuck-everyone-else style. Tee shirts and jeans. Bad hair and fucking rad hats. Smiles, knowing who they are and knowing they are doing what they love. I love these same girls not on stage. Using music to make a difference in the world. For some their stage is an office, their audience a five year old. The poet who performs once a month in a coffeehouse, with one patron. And yet she comes back. Her word is solid, her conviction unwavering. (I have no conclusion to this because I am off in LaLaLand, dreaming of the day I make Andrea Gibson my wife and I, hers.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
