Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Just for Today

I will not wish I was something I am not. I will not hope to be anyone I can never be. I will accept my limitations. I am who I am today. I can change and today I accept that the change may be slower than I want. I cannot live in this rut anymore. So today I will set small goals for myself and be proud when I accomplish them, but if I don't complete one, but for lack of trying, I will add it to my list tomorrow. I am one person and I have to stop sometime, but I cannot be lazy anymore. Nor can I let emotion hold me down. No more weeping. The change is in me, the motivation is here.

Alrighty then, where that came from I don't know, but seriously... I have to stop all this emo shit. I am allowed to be emotional, but that's all I am right now. Crazy insane. I analyze everything to fit this awful preconceived notion. I make bad things happen when I do that. Wow there is more daily mantra in me yet.

I'm logging off now before I start a program to "get you motivated". I did start a program on Saturday. "Pre-Hydration and Re-Hydration to prevent De-Hydration". That's good shit. It's a drinking thing...it works. If you would like the whole program contact me. I will hook you up!! Pretty much guaranteed no hangover.

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