Saturday, July 14, 2007

Woke up shitty

Smoked last night. That's a small reason why I am so emo today. I can't even stay here to type this. HE is home. Fat and sweaty. Where does the money go? HE gets cash every week, but hasn't given me any. Does HE spend all the money during the weekend? HE doesn't want to watch the kids so I can work more, but HE doesn't give me any cash. I could go to the bank but we have bills. I feel so out of control. I hate him living here. I changed my myspace name. SO EMO!!! I swear I am a teenage boy... Met a girl Thursday night. I think she likes me. We talked twice yesterday. She's pretty cool. But... I don't know. I have to stop all this thinking shit. I hate my situation. I want to run away. I really want to nap for a long time. Days, weeks, months, outside, listening to the world in nature. San Diego next weekend. Where will the money come from? I will find it somewhere. I always do. I should just sell my body. It seems to be all people are interested in. I'm going on a drive.

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